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Why a 100 Percent Medical Answering Service Is the Perfect Solution

100 percent medical answering service

When it comes to selecting an answering service for your medical practice you have many options to consider. But don’t let the number of possibilities overwhelm you. To quickly finetune your list of potential providers, insist on a 100 percent medical answering service. Doing so will narrow the field of contenders to a manageable and vetted list.

Consider these key reasons why you need a fully medical answering service to handle the calls for your healthcare practice or medical facility.

Greater Consistency 

The first key benefit of hiring a 100 percent medical answering service is that when you do, you’ll achieve highly consistent results. This is because of their exclusive emphasis on the healthcare industry. They don’t distract themselves by taking calls for finance, communications, entertainment, or the trades. 

With a laser focus on healthcare, they give their full attention to providing highly consistent results that will make your practice shine and meet the expectations of your patients. Doing so will help you better retain existing patients and attract new ones. This is in the best long-term interest of your practice, helping to ensure your future viability.

Better Outcomes

With this honed emphasis on serving the healthcare industry, the next key benefit of hiring a 100 percent medical answering service is that you will achieve better outcomes. What are these outcomes? Improved accuracy of communications, more responsive interaction to after-hours phone calls, and the personal attention that your patients expect when they call your office when they have a concern.

This means fewer complaints from patients in the all-too-limited time you have to spend with them to address their healthcare concerns. Don’t waste half your diagnosis time listening to them vent about rude treatment from a sub-par answering service. When you go with an all-medical answering service, they’ll produce better outcomes, which will greatly minimize patient complaints.

Higher Service Levels

A 100 percent medical answering service only handles healthcare calls. It’s all they do. And it’s what they know. They understand what your patients expect and what you desire to achieve on each phone call.

As a result, they’ll strive to deliver this on every call they answer for your practice, call after call, day after day, month after month. Then you won’t have to worry about how some all-purpose answering service is treating your patients and handling your calls. This will allow you to set this concern aside and focus on your patients’ needs, which is why you got into healthcare in the first place.


When you go with a 100 percent medical answering service, you can expect to have greater consistency from one call to the next, achieve better outcomes, and enjoy a higher level of service. This isn’t possible when you go with a one-size-fits-all answering service that works with every industry at a basic level and excels at none.

Learn how having a focused medical answering service from MedConnectUSA can help your practice, clinic, or facility. Then get a free quote to discover the benefits of their 100 percent medical answering service.

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