Healthcare Websites Are Open to Cyber-Attacks
The FBI is warning healthcare providers to increase their protection against cyber attack. The FBI says patient medical records and health insurance data are more valuable to identity thieves but less securely protected than customer information stored by other institutions, according to Reuters. The healthcare industry is not as resilient to cyber intrusions compared to the financial and […]
Building a Sale at Your Expense?
In today’s hyper-competitive business climate, it’s important to stay lean and efficient while providing the best customer experience possible. Any expense you incur should be for products or services that enhance your operation. It’s important that you evaluate any purchase so you understand exactly what you’re getting for your hard-earned money. When it comes to medical […]
Improve Your Medical Practice’s Productivity
The doctor’s time is a medical practice’s most precious commodity. Using your support staff and business associates, such as your answering service, wisely to maximize the amount of time doctors have available to see patients can significantly improve the productivity of your medical practice. Office managers typically shoulder the responsibility for analyzing office procedures and […]
Teambuilding Games for Your Next Staff Meeting
Starting off staff meetings with a teambuilding game can get meetings off to a positive start, loosen everyone up, and get their creative juices flowing. Offering medical and dental offices multiple benefits, teambuilding exercises can: Help staff members get to know each other better. Enhance staff communication. Encourage friendly workplace interactions. Create a more positive […]