Asking for an Online Review in Three Easy Steps

Online reviews are essential to how your customers will come to know your brand. Ninety percent of customer buying decisions are influenced by positive online reviews 86 percent influenced by negative. Since the majority of customers are happy to provide reviews, there’s no need to be wary. Have reviews rolling in with these 3 simple […]

Dealing with an Poor Online Patient Review

In the pre-Internet days, publicity about physicians and medical practices was largely word-of-mouth. With the growth of social media, online comments are preserved for a potential audience of millions. It’s inevitable that at some point you’ll receive a negative review. Do you have a policy established for dealing with these notices? For better or worse, […]

Three Tips to Improving Patient Relations

When it comes to marketing your practice, getting patients to come through the door is only the beginning. According to consulting firm Bain & Co., only a five percent increase in patient retention can increase your profitability by 75 percent. How do you keep those patients coming back? Excellent customer service is what will set […]

We’re Proud to Be the Winner of the Exemplary Customer Service Award

We’re bursting with pride and for good reason. For an unprecedented ninth consecutive year, MedConnectUSA has been selected a winner of the telecommunications industry’s highest award for superior achievement in customer service. Presented at the annual convention of the Association of TeleServices International (ATSI), the ATSI 2014 Award of Excellence recognizes the achievement of exemplary customer […]