Why a 100 Percent Medical Answering Service is the Right Solution

medical answering service

Some answering services only handle healthcare related accounts, and other answering services refuse to even consider medical clients, but most answering services are happy to take on any kind of account, rather it’s a good fit or not. While this distinction may not seem important to you as a medical practitioner or healthcare organization, it’s […]

6 Ways You Might Suffer if You Pick a Cheap Answering Service

Cheap Answering Service

Hospitals, clinics, and doctors are always looking for a way to save money. A few cents here and a couple dollars there can add up over the course of a month and the year. Sometimes, however, saving a few dollars can have a negative consequence on your business and your patients. That’s why it’s never […]

What Size Medical Answering Service is the Right Size?

Size of Medical Answering Service

When it comes to medical answering services, bigger isn’t always better. A larger size doesn’t imply better service or enhanced quality. In fact, it could be the opposite. Conversely, a smaller service might carry a different set of problems. Their scope is simply too small to operate efficiently. Too Big A large telephone answering service […]