What Do You Do When You Lose Power?

Lose Power

The healthcare industry has seen many changes in the past few decades. One key area is an increased reliance on technology for testing and treatment, as well as for management and support systems. And all this technology requires power to operate. What happens when your practice, clinic, or healthcare facility loses power? At best, it’s […]

Use Advanced Voice Mail to Enhance Your Office Communications

Voice Mail

When it comes to the telephone, most everyone prefers to talk to a person rather than interact with a machine. Yet sometimes, and for some applications, an automated approach is the right approach. This is where advanced voice mail comes in. With advanced voice mail you can enjoy a rich array of call-processing options, coupled […]

What’s the Value of a Phone Call to a Medical Practice or Clinic?

value of phone call

    We’ve already looked at the factors to consider when calculating the ROI of hiring a medical answering service. But the success of your healthcare organization is about more than numbers; it’s also about people. Cost aside, there’s a human aspect to providing a great telephone experience for your callers and patients. Though this […]

What Are the Benefits of Using HIPAA-Compliant Secure Messaging?

HIPAA-Compliant Secure Messaging

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a well-known reality in the healthcare industry. And though it’s often mentioned in the answering service industry, not every answering service understands the nuances and respects the requirements of HIPAA. This is specifically relevant when it comes to protecting information about your patients. Though most answering […]

Select an Answering Service That Focuses on the Healthcare Market

Healthcare Market

Do you really care what kind of answering service handles the phone calls for your practice, clinic, or hospital? Well you should. Don’t trust your patients’ calls to a generic one-size-fits-all answering service. Instead go with one that specializes in the healthcare industry. You need a medical answering service. Here’s why: Familiarity Counts A medical […]

A Complete ROI Analysis of Hiring a Medical Answering Service

Medical Answering Service

Sometimes business decisions for the expenditure of money are made based on their ROI (return on investment). This is often true in healthcare. The basic calculation for ROI is net profit divided by total investment times 100. The result is a percentage, the higher the better. This allows the value of different investments to be […]