Now Is a Good Time for a Checkup With Your Answering Service

answering service

We know that regular checkups are in important part of taking care of our physical health. We also check in with our financial advisor and do periodic oil changes on our car. In the same manner it’s wise to have seasonal checkups with your medical answering service to make sure they’re ready to serve you […]

What If You Forget to Forward Your Phone?

forward Your phone

Most medical offices and clinics use call forwarding service to send their phone calls to their medical answering service. Call forwarding service is an inexpensive feature provided by your local phone company. Though there are other options to send your calls to your answering service, call forwarding is the most common and convenient providing someone […]

Use a Medical Answering Service to Respect Your Patients

Medical Answering Service

Once on the chopping block of short-cited, cost-fixated healthcare managers, medical answering services are reasserting themselves as the essential service for healthcare providers who want to meet their patients’ needs. This demonstrates respect to your patients. In fact, patients and consumers are quick to dismiss a healthcare provider who doesn’t offer 24/7 telephone access answered […]