Discover Why Medical Answering Service Staff Shouldn’t Work from Home


A growing trend in the call center and answering service industry is tapping home-based agents and using remote personnel. Though this offers many benefits to the answering service, which in theory should trickle down to the client, the work-at-home solution is a nonstarter when it comes to healthcare. Here’s why: Management Challenges One reason why […]

How Your Medical Answering Service Can Maximize Patient Lifetime Value

patient lifetime value.

Most people get into healthcare to help patients. Yet to accomplish this, there’s a business side to healthcare. While a practitioner may look at a health need or a treatment arc for a certain condition, the business person looks at the billable value of that transaction and the lifetime value of the patient. To enable […]

Discover What a Medical Answering Service Can Do for You

professional medical answering service benefits

If you take your medical practice seriously, you should take your answering service seriously too. Though some in the healthcare industry dismiss their answering service as unimportant, the wise practitioners view their answering service as an integral part of their practice or clinic. Why is that? Because your answering service is your primary contact for […]