Have Your Healthcare Call Center Do More for You

healthcare call center

As you look forward to the future, now is the time—more so than ever before—to think strategically. Look at the business model for your healthcare organization and consider what you can change to produce better and more effective outcomes. Do this throughout your organization, optimizing every department and process.  As you do so don’t overlook […]

Elevating the Role of the Telephone on Healthcare

healthcare industry

In recent months we’ve seen the telephone rise in importance for the healthcare industry. With the push to do fewer things in person, the need arises to do more things remotely. In this, the telephone has risen to the occasion to become a critical communication tool for the healthcare industry in this new era of […]

Transition Your Telephone into Fall


Last month we talked about how it was an ideal time to update your account information with your medical answering service. By providing them with complete, up-to-date information, your answering service is in the best position to serve you with excellence. Hopefully, you’ve taken care of this, but if not, there’s still time. Now that […]