Why a 100 Percent Medical Answering Service Is the Perfect Solution

100 percent medical answering service

When it comes to selecting an answering service for your medical practice you have many options to consider. But don’t let the number of possibilities overwhelm you. To quickly finetune your list of potential providers, insist on a 100 percent medical answering service. Doing so will narrow the field of contenders to a manageable and […]

Does Your Answering Service Attempt to Be All Things to All People

medical specialty answering service

Do you think all telephone answering services are the same? They’re not. To the uninitiated, however, it’s hard to tell the difference until you use them for a couple months. And if you made a bad selection, that’s two months too late. Most answering services in business today will take on any account they can. […]

Who Do You Want Answering Calls for Your Medical Practice?

answering calls for your medical practice (2)

What happens to your phone calls once you and your staff leave your practice each evening? Who answers your phone? The truth may surprise you. Someone like the lady in the above picture may be answering your patients’ after-hours phone calls. Is this who you want representing your business and answering calls for your medical […]