Asking for an Online Review in Three Easy Steps

Online reviews are essential to how your customers will come to know your brand. Ninety percent of customer buying decisions are influenced by positive online reviews 86 percent influenced by negative. Since the majority of customers are happy to provide reviews, there’s no need to be wary.

Have reviews rolling in with these 3 simple steps:

  1. Ask.
    If your brand is delivering the best products and services, the biggest obstacle to overcome is not negative reviews it’s simply getting reviews. Ask your customers for unbiased comments on your product or service via phone, email, website, hand-written transcription, – whatever works for your business. Be certain to give a choice, however. Forcing customers to provide reviews is never a good idea.
  2. Do it promptly.
    Don’t hesitate to ask for reviews. People are more likely to give feedback right away. Request reviews when timing is relevant, immediately following the service or product trial period.
  3. Keep it simple.
    Completing a review should be easy, providing direct links and simple instructions. Customers aren’t going to search or go out of their way to leave your company a review.

Implement these offline methods for online reviews:

  • Print a link on receipts.
    Accompany the link with a message request feedback on the customer’s experience.
  • Add a QR code or link to printed materials.
    QR codes and links on business cards, receipts, and more offer quick, easy access to review sites.
  • Hang a banner.
    This works well for those with easy-to-remember URLs, such as www.companyname/reviews.
  • Advertising.
    Conclude every marketing pitch by asking for reviews and providing the link.

Looking for ways to improve your business? MedConnectUSA can help! Contact us today.