Discover Why Medical Call Center Experience Matters

experience matters

Any answering service can claim to offer quality service. But not all can follow through by providing it. One smart way to differentiate one call center from another is by looking at how much experience they have. When it comes to a medical call center, experience matters even more. A Long History of Accomplishment  To […]

How Long Are You Willing to Hold?

patient hold time

When you call someplace how long are you willing to hold before you grow irritated? Close your eyes, and slowly count to thirty. That’s about thirty seconds, which is equivalent to five rings. This is also the typical length of a television commercial. Most people are willing to wait that long.  Now, how long do […]

Do You Want a Vendor or a Partner Answering Your Phone?

answering service partners

What do you look for in a medical answering service? What are the things that matter most to you and your practice? Many medical practitioners struggle to answer these questions. Instead, they default to something they can quantify, something they understand: money.  As a result, they shop for an answering service based on price. The […]

What Is Your Medical Answering Service’s Quality Assurance Procedure?

quality assurance procedure

Answering services all talk about quality, but the best ones act to provide excellence on every phone call. Quality isn’t an accident. It’s intentional. This means having a quality assurance procedure. Establish a Protocol of What an Excellent Call Looks Like The first step in providing quality service is to determine what makes for a […]

How Committed Is Your Call Center to Quality Assurance?

quality assurance

Every answering service talks about quality assurance, but how many of them do anything about it? Very few it seems. Talking about quality service is one thing, but it’s another to put words into action and pursue service excellence. Too often call center quality is a haphazard proposition. Some calls are good, while others aren’t […]

Is Your Medical Answering Service Ready to Back You Up?

office hours back up

Most medical practices and healthcare providers use a medical answering service to handle their calls outside of their regular business hours. This is the most common reason for hiring an answering service. But what happens if you need your answering service to back you up during the day? Will they be ready to provide office […]

5 Tips to Improve Patient Phone Access

patient phone access

In healthcare, communication with patients is key. This starts with doctor-patient communication and extends to interactions between medical staff and patients. However, one thing that’s often overlooked is relating to patients over the phone. In too many cases patient phone access is a weak link in the communication chain of healthcare providers. Here are five […]

Use a Medical Answering Service that Doesn’t Send Calls Offshore

offshore medical answering service

If your answering service answers your calls, do you really care where those calls go? You should. Medical answering services that send calls offshore struggle with challenges that could hurt your organization and alienate your patients. It’s too big of a risk to take. To realize the best results, only use a medical answering service […]

Is Your Answering Service Ready for Winter Weather? Are You?

winter weather answering service

Winter is coming. Winter is here. Is your answering service ready? If you use a professional medical answering service, of course they’re ready. Being ready to serve you is what they do, regardless of what the winter weather might throw at us. The bigger question is, are you ready? Make sure you provide your answering […]

Is a Medical Answering Service an Investment or an Expense?

Medical Answering Service Investment

A common element among healthcare providers is having a medical answering service take calls after office hours and even provide office-hours support. Some business managers view their doctors answering service as an expense that they must seek to contain or even eliminate, if they get overly aggressive. Other business managers cite their medical answering service […]