Do You Feel Your Practice Doesn’t Receive the Attention You Deserve?

You hire an answering service to handle the after-hours telephone communications for your medical practice. With this comes expectations on your part for quality outcomes. But do you ever wonder if your practice receives the attention you deserve? Here are some warning signs that your answering service lacks focus. They Don’t Answer Your Line Correctly […]
Does Your Answering Service Resemble a Circus?

Have you ever been to a three-ring circus or seen one on TV? They’re an amazing site to behold. There is always something happening in one of the three rings to grab your attention and garner your interest. This may be an animal tamer, a trapeze artist, clowns, or jugglers. There may even be clowns […]
10 Reasons Why Healthcare Providers Need a Medical Answering Service

Does your healthcare practice, clinic, or facility have a medical answering service? Maybe you’re thinking of getting one. Or perhaps you’re wondering about the one you already have. To help in your deliberations, here are ten reasons why healthcare providers need a medical answering service. 1.Make a Great First Impression A professional medical answering service […]
Do Your Patients Want Automation or a Real Person?

When patients call your organization, do they want to talk to a human being or a machine? In most all cases they desire the special attention of a person, not the impersonal touch of technology. The only time that technology may win out is to find quick answers to simple questions when people aren’t readily […]
Have Your Healthcare Call Center Do More for You

As you look forward to the future, now is the time—more so than ever before—to think strategically. Look at the business model for your healthcare organization and consider what you can change to produce better and more effective outcomes. Do this throughout your organization, optimizing every department and process. As you do so don’t overlook […]
Elevating the Role of the Telephone on Healthcare

In recent months we’ve seen the telephone rise in importance for the healthcare industry. With the push to do fewer things in person, the need arises to do more things remotely. In this, the telephone has risen to the occasion to become a critical communication tool for the healthcare industry in this new era of […]
How Can Your Healthcare Call Center Better Serve You?

Change is normal in the healthcare industry and the rate of change has accelerated in the past several months. As you grapple with both the speed and scope of these changes, expand your considerations to include your medical call center professionals. You may be surprised at your call center’s flexibility and creativity in helping you […]
What Do You Get When You Mix Healthcare, Electricity, and an Attorney?

Asking this question may sound like a set up for a joke. But there’s no punchline. It’s no laughing matter. Instead it’s a travesty. And this is exactly what happens at generic answering services. Most telephone answering services will take on any business they can, from any industry. This includes electricians, lawyers, plumbers, property management […]
Maintain Healthcare Communications in the Midst of a Pandemic

When a disaster occurs, one key to successfully navigating it is to maintain an open communication channel so your patients can reach you whenever they need to. In addition to normal healthcare needs, in the middle of a crisis, such as a pandemic, patients have a heightened sense of concern about their health and well-being. […]
Discover Why Healthcare Providers Need a Call Center Dedicated to the Medical Community

Selecting a healthcare call center is a critical consideration to ensure the success of your clinic or medical facility. Too often business managers view call centers as an expense to control. Instead, the more enlightened viewpoint is that a medical call center is an important investment to make for the future of your operation. Don’t […]