Give Yourself a Gift That Gives All Year Long

give yourself a gift

This is a time of year when we give gifts to others, buying presents for family, friends, and staff. But once you’ve covered these three groups of people, you can also give a gift to yourself. This year, give yourself a gift that doesn’t go bad, doesn’t get used up, and doesn’t ever have to […]

Be Thankful for Your Answering Service

be thankful

Customer service personnel are fair game for anyone who wants to complain. Though this has been a too-common pastime for years, the intensity and ferocity has increased in recent months. Anyone in a customer-facing role—or a patient-facing position—counters greater scrutiny, higher expectations, and lower patience now than at any time in history. People today are […]

Don’t Let a Bad Answering Service Ruin Your Holidays

dont ruin your holidays

We celebrate holidays throughout the year, but the ones that happen near the end of the year and move us into the next are the ones that many people look forward to the most. We anticipate the time that we’ll spend with family and friends, some who we see often and others, not often enough. […]

Is Your Answering Service Going to Let You Down Again This Holiday Season?

your holiday

Think back to the holidays last year. Hopefully you have happy memories of time spent with family and friends, celebrating life with them. But what about your telephone answering service? Did your answering service make this time better? Or did their disappointing work dampen your holiday spirit and thwart the joy you anticipated to experience […]

Do You Feel Your Practice Doesn’t Receive the Attention You Deserve?

attention you deserve

You hire an answering service to handle the after-hours telephone communications for your medical practice. With this comes expectations on your part for quality outcomes. But do you ever wonder if your practice receives the attention you deserve? Here are some warning signs that your answering service lacks focus. They Don’t Answer Your Line Correctly  […]

Do You Have Your Answering Service’s Full Attention?

full attention

Do you ever wonder what goes on at your answering service? Do you sometimes suspect they aren’t giving you their full attention, as if they’re sleeping on the job, throwing a party, or just plain goofing off? Of course, you’ll never know these things for sure because you’re not there, but you can look for […]

Is Your Answering Service Sleeping on the Job?

Sleeping on the job

Some answering services, particularly small ones, may allow their staff to sleep at work. Seriously. Sleeping on the job has happened—especially late in the evening and on third shift. Though this is most assuredly not acceptable here and at other leading medical answering services, be aware that this can happen.  And sometimes a fatigued agent […]

What Are Your Answering Service’s Priorities?

answering services priorities

Determining your answering service’s priorities is a key step to finding the right answering service for your medical practice or healthcare clinic. Your answering service has priorities in how they service your account, and you have priorities in the outcomes of their work.  Sometimes these priorities align, but other times they’re at cross purposes. Moreover, […]

Does Your Answering Service Focus on Your Practice?

focus on your practice

Do you ever feel like your answering service doesn’t give your practice the attention you deserve? Maybe it’s the lackluster way they answer your phone calls. Perhaps it’s giving out incorrect information to your patients. Or could it be that they take incomplete messages? This shows they have a lack a focus on your practice. […]

Choose the Affordable Medical Answering Service Your Patients Deserve

affordable medical answering service

The focus in healthcare is rightly on providing quality outcomes. This is also true with your answering service. Yet professional, high-performance outcomes don’t have to come with a premium price. It is possible to have a quality, affordable medical answering service. Here’s what you can expect from the ideal provider: Customized Answering Services, Messaging, and […]