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Supporting medical practices is our specialty

MedConnectUSA provides teleservices for only one type of business: medical offices. We don’t answer calls for plumbers, electricians or any other service industries. That means your patients’ calls never take a backseat to anything less important.

Our exclusive focus on medical office support also means that every one of our operators understands the challenges of handling patient phone calls for medical clinics, dental practices, chiropractors, physical therapists, and other medical practitioners.

Medical Answering Services

Full range of cost-effective automated and live operator support options. Every operator is fully trained to handle medical office phone calls.

Daytime Hours Answering

Get extra support when your front desk is short-staffed and for busy periods that occur during your regular business hours.

Secure Messaging

Use smartphones and tablets to keep doctors and healthcare staff connected to patients and the office — easy to use and completely secure.

Ready Assist

Combine the cost savings of automated answering systems with the capabilities of live operator support to help patients connect with on-call staff.

Voice Mail

We provide a local phone number and voice mailbox with an integrated web portal and email support at a lower cost than your local phone company.

Call Forwarding Assurance

Proactive monitoring provides assurance if manual forwarding fails or phone systems are down in your area.

Disaster Recovery

We’ve engineered all our systems to provide a level of redundancy that guarantees our services will be there when you need them most.

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