Voicemail Services
In some cases, voicemail provides the perfect tool for medical office communications. Employment lines, lab result call-ins, general information requests, and many other scenarios don’t require live operator support. We can provide a local phone number and voicemail box with integrated web portal and email support. This gives you a voicemail option that doesn’t tie up an existing phone line and costs less than voicemail services offered by your phone company.

Standard Voicemail Features:
- Local phone number (any part of the USA)
- Up to 2-minute greeting
- Instant email delivery of all voice messages
- Secure web portal to review call records
Premium Voicemail Features:
- Toll-free number
- Up to a 4-minute greeting
- Auto attendant (1 main box with sub mailboxes)
- Auto receptionist (route calls to mobile, office, home phone)
- Find me/follow me (try several numbers)
- Call screen (know who is calling before you connect)
- Multiple greetings for different times of day
- Instant notification of waiting message
- Call recording with an email copy
- Option to connect to a live operator