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Bad Winter Weather Increases the Need for Backup Services

If snow and cold weather keep your favorite coffee shop from opening, it could make for some cranky folks with caffeine withdrawal. In the case of a medical office, the results can be far more dire. When brutal winter conditions prevent your associates from reaching the office, do you have a backup plan to keep the lines of communication open?

The current severity of this winter has put a spotlight on the need for medical offices to have contingency plans for weather-related emergencies. You probably have a local answering service that takes calls when the office is closed for most reasons. However, if you can’t make it in to work, chances are good that they can’t either. Your clients and medical personnel are then left in limbo with no way to communicate.

MedConnectUSA’s disaster recovery program ensures uninterrupted operation of your phone answering services. In case of power outages we have backup resources for both short- and long-term, including a natural gas/propane electric generator that can operate for an unlimited period of time. Our phone service is provided redundantly by three different companies as well as a satellite service that can take over if all land line service should go out. Finally, our partnership with Agility Recovery Solutions gives us access to emergency facilities enabling our personnel to continue working through any conditions.

Make sure your clients and associates always have have the comfort of a live voice at the other end of the line. Contact us to learn more about our disaster recovery program as well as our other medical answering services.

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