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Is Your Answering Service Ready When Your Staff Goes on Vacation?


It’s been a rough year in the healthcare industry, and as summer approaches, many people turn their attention to vacation. And this year some employees will desperately need a break from work, perhaps more so than at any other time. Though that time off may look different this year than from other years, employees will still want a break from work.

Vacations Are Not Something to Skip

It seems it’s never an ideal time for someone to take an extended break from work. But just because the timing isn’t right doesn’t mean it’s something to forgo. Employees need a break from work, especially if that work has been extra challenging. 

Allowing for time off now will prepare staff to better serve patients in the future. Skipping vacation—out of choice or what may seem as a necessity—is a shortsighted solution that benefits no one.

Vacations Mean Being Short-Staffed and Doing Extra Work

When an employee goes on vacation that means there’s one less person in the office to get the same amount of work done. Granting time off for a workplace respite is synonymous with enduring a corresponding season of understaffing. Though no one looks forward to needing to work harder so someone else can take time off, most people willingly do it because they know their time will come. Doing extra work now will allow them the chance to take their break later.

Let Your Answering Service Help

This is where a full-service healthcare answering service comes in. Many people think of an answering service as an after-hours service provider to answer your phone calls when your office is closed. This is true. But did you know your answering service can also answer calls during the day? This is also true.

That means your medical answering service can help ease the stress of being short-staffed when employees are enjoying their earned break from the office. Though your answering service can’t address much of the work that occurs in your healthcare organization, they can focus on the communications aspect of it. Shift as much daytime communication tasks over to your medical answering service as possible. Then shuffle your staff responsibilities to cover for the vacationing associate.


If you don’t have an answering service lined up to help answer your phone after hours and especially during office hours to help cover for summer vacations, now’s the time to act. Hire a full-service medical answering service today.

And if you have an answering service that isn’t getting the job done, don’t delay. Make the switch now to a healthcare answering service that can help you meet your patients’ communication needs during the summer months and well into the future.

Learn how medical answering service from MedConnectUSA can help your practice, clinic, or facility. Then get a free quote to discover how affordable their healthcare communication services are. Peter Lyle DeHaan is a freelance writer and call center authority.

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