Elevating the Role of the Telephone on Healthcare
In recent months we’ve seen the telephone rise in importance for the healthcare industry. With the push to do fewer things in person, the need arises to do more things remotely. In this, the telephone has risen to the occasion to become a critical communication tool for the healthcare industry in this new era of […]
Transition Your Telephone into Fall
Last month we talked about how it was an ideal time to update your account information with your medical answering service. By providing them with complete, up-to-date information, your answering service is in the best position to serve you with excellence. Hopefully, you’ve taken care of this, but if not, there’s still time. Now that […]
How Can Your Healthcare Call Center Better Serve You?
Change is normal in the healthcare industry and the rate of change has accelerated in the past several months. As you grapple with both the speed and scope of these changes, expand your considerations to include your medical call center professionals. You may be surprised at your call center’s flexibility and creativity in helping you […]
Achieve Call Forwarding Success
Call forwarding is a great service provided by your telephone company that allows you to reroute your calls to your medical answering service whenever you want them to answer for you. You use call forwarding each time you go to lunch and when you leave for the day. You may also forward calls to your […]
3 Keys to Successful Phone Calls
Too many healthcare business managers and professionals don’t bother to teach their employees how to answer the telephone. They assume that if people can talk, they must have the basic skills required to use the phone. This is incorrect. Achieving successful phone calls requires intentional effort. Yes, some people have terrific communication skills that naturally […]
Let Us Know How We Can Help You Better Serve Your Patients
The healthcare industry is changing. That’s not news. But the rate of change is accelerating. That’s something to think about. What worked yesterday may not work today. What used to delight patients, they now expect. What they once appreciated, now only causes them to yawn. You want to better serve your patients, but how? This […]
Do You Want a Call Center That Is a Generalist or a Specialist?
In the healthcare industry, doctors have a choice of being a general practitioner or focusing on one specialty. Both are viable pursuits depending on the preferences and goals of each person. A generalist will cover an array of medical needs and must have a basic familiarity across a wide range of healthcare services. In contrast, […]
Can Your Answering Service Cover a Staff Shortage During the Day?
Your healthcare organization has a diverse staff of both medical and support personnel to meet the needs of your patients. What happens when some of these employees can’t make it into your office? This may be due to illness, working from home to achieve social distancing, or absence because of vacation or personal time off. […]
What Do You Get When You Mix Healthcare, Electricity, and an Attorney?
Asking this question may sound like a set up for a joke. But there’s no punchline. It’s no laughing matter. Instead it’s a travesty. And this is exactly what happens at generic answering services. Most telephone answering services will take on any business they can, from any industry. This includes electricians, lawyers, plumbers, property management […]
Is Your Medical Call Center Falling Apart or Arising to the Occasion?
In a time when medical practices, clinics, and healthcare facilities turn to their call centers for more support in providing essential communication services they can encounter one of two outcomes. For those organizations that carefully chose a medical call center that specializes exclusively in the healthcare industry and has built a robust platform and hired […]