Outsource Your Healthcare Call Center Needs


As healthcare organizations and support companies strive to do things better and serve the healthcare industry with excellence, they must seek ways to improve their operation. One smart strategy is to send their internal call center offsite, allowing another organization to handle their calls for them. This is call center outsourcing. Don’t confuse outsourcing with […]

Should You Go with a Local Medical Answering Service?

local medical answering service

With today’s advanced technology it doesn’t really matter where your answering service is located. They can be next door, across town, or in a different state. They can even be in a different country. But is that what you want? Should you hire a local medical answering service instead? Though it’s feasible for your answering […]

Providing Secure Messaging is More Than Good Business

Secure Messaging

If you’re part of the healthcare industry, you know the importance of protecting the personal information of your patients. Not only is this a legal requirement, but it’s also a wise business practice. Secure messaging not only applies to your organization but also to your business associates (BA), such as your medical answering service. And […]

Top Business Management Tips Your OB/GYN Practice

Successful private practices possess pride of ownership and business-oriented mindset that is essential in today’s competitive healthcare environment. Keep opportunities open and enhance the success of your practice with the help of these five effective business management tips: 1. Develop a plan and follow through.Create a roadmap and strategize how to get there. Attend a […]