Achieve Continuity of Care with a Medical-Only Answering Service

Medical-Only Answering Service

Continuity of care means different things to different people. It looks at the consistent provision of healthcare for the long-term, it also addresses coordination of healthcare for the short-term. In a very practical sense, continuity of care implies no interruption in the provision of healthcare. It also seeks to ensure that every detail receives the […]

Use a Medical Answering Service to Boost Patient Retention

Patient Retention

Given the rapid changes in healthcare and with more patients taking control of their health and jumping providers at the smallest of slights, patient retention is now more critical than ever. To address this, you seek every advantage you can to provide a great patient experience in your office, clinic, or facility. You do everything […]

Mix Medical Answering Service with Telephone Triage for a Winning Combination

Medical Answering Service

When patients call your office after hours, they have one of two objectives. Either they want medical advice, or they need assistance managing their healthcare. Although these two needs seem very similar, the ideal solutions come from different sources: telephone triage for medical advice and medical answering service for everything else. Here’s why: Let Specialists Specialize […]