How Long Do Your Callers Really Wait on Hold?

When we call someone, we want them to answer our call quickly. Many medical answering services focus on this basic desire. They assert that they answer all calls fast. They might claim to answer within one ring or maybe two. Or they may state that they answer every call within a certain number of seconds. […]
Now Is the Perfect Time to Think about Disaster Recovery

You’ve no doubt heard the homeowner’s dilemma about his leaking roof. When it’s leaking, the weather is too bad to attempt a repair. However, when the sun is shining the roof isn’t leaking so there’s nothing to fix. He summed up the situation succinctly: “It only leaks when it rains.” We laugh at the homeowner’s […]
Does Your Medical Answering Service Offer Award-Winning Service?

Every medical answering service claims that they provide quality service. But how can you know this for sure without first trying them? You could ask around and see what other people think. Assuming you can find someone to ask, how much weight should you put on their opinion? It’s hard to know. They’re likely biased. […]