Use a Medical Answering Service to Better Serve and Help Retain Patients

retain patients

In today’s economy, patients have options. They have more options than ever before. This makes it even more important to strive to retain them as patients. Not only can they select a different healthcare provider or a competing healthcare system, they can also go to a walk-in clinic or urgent care facility. In addition to […]

Best Practices for Leading Medical Answering Services

best practices

Not all answering services are the same, and these differences can have a significant impact on the service they provide to you and your patients. Advanced medical answering services follow, and even exceed, industry best practices.  Here are the key characteristics of the foremost healthcare-related answering services: US-Based One of the best practices that quality-minded […]

Discover Why Healthcare Providers Need a Call Center Dedicated to the Medical Community

healthcare call center

Selecting a healthcare call center is a critical consideration to ensure the success of your clinic or medical facility. Too often business managers view call centers as an expense to control. Instead, the more enlightened viewpoint is that a medical call center is an important investment to make for the future of your operation.  Don’t […]

How Important Is Quality When It Comes to Patient-Facing Communication?

patient facing communication

When it comes to healthcare, providing quality healthcare services to patients is the number one goal. However, the effectiveness in achieving this goal is at times hampered through less-than-ideal patient-facing communication. Aside from your own communication with patients, which you work hard to excel at, consider the following opportunities in providing quality communications with patients. […]

You Shouldn’t Have to Ask to Speak to a Manager

speak to the manager

The typical way of handling customer service issues at call centers is to let low-level employees attempt to address all concerns. For the items they can’t handle, they pass callers on to someone with a bit more experience. Eventually you might get to talk to a supervisor, and if they can’t resolve it then you […]

Discover Why Medical Call Center Experience Matters

experience matters

Any answering service can claim to offer quality service. But not all can follow through by providing it. One smart way to differentiate one call center from another is by looking at how much experience they have. When it comes to a medical call center, experience matters even more. A Long History of Accomplishment  To […]

How Long Are You Willing to Hold?

patient hold time

When you call someplace how long are you willing to hold before you grow irritated? Close your eyes, and slowly count to thirty. That’s about thirty seconds, which is equivalent to five rings. This is also the typical length of a television commercial. Most people are willing to wait that long.  Now, how long do […]

Discover Why Operator Training Makes the Difference

operator training

If you were to learn how much, or how little, some answering services spend on training their operators, the results would shock you. It’s quite a span, ranging from a few hours to several weeks. Some answering services view training as a costly, but necessary expense. They seek to control it, minimize it, and get […]

Why Two Decades of HIPAA Compliance Matters

HIPAA Compliance Matters

HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is now over twenty years old. Two decades ago, leading healthcare call centers studied the then-new and off-times confusing HIPAA regulations. To them HIPAA compliance matters, both then and today.  These advance healthcare call centers learned how HIPAA applied to them as a business associate (BA) of […]

Do You Want a Vendor or a Partner Answering Your Phone?

answering service partners

What do you look for in a medical answering service? What are the things that matter most to you and your practice? Many medical practitioners struggle to answer these questions. Instead, they default to something they can quantify, something they understand: money.  As a result, they shop for an answering service based on price. The […]