Is Your Medical Answering Service an Asset or a Liability?

If you view your medical answering service as a necessary evil for your practice, clinic, or healthcare facility, then one of two things are clear. Either you have the wrong perspective about the role they play, or you have the wrong answering service. When you have the right medical answering service handling your calls, they’re […]
Hiring Summer Intern Staff? Make Sure You Know the Rules
Hiring Summer Interns Although we primarily focus at MedConnectUSA on providing answering and telemessaging services, we also enjoy sharing the medical industry knowledge we have gained with our clients and site visitors. Did you know that the employment rules for summer intern staff are not always the same as those for non-temporary employees? You must understand the […]
Are You Using the Internet to Boost Your New Patient Ratios?
Utilizing The Internet Do you believe that marketing is necessary only for consumer goods and other “civilian” industries? The healthcare marketplace is full of providers competing for your patients. Marketing is how you differentiate yourself from all the others and tell people why they should choose your office. When it comes to current medical marketing […]