Social Media—Does it Mix with Medical Practices?

Social Media And The Medical Community

Social media is increasingly becoming about more than keeping up with friends and family. One-third of healthcare professionals are currently taking part in social media networks designed specifically with healthcare in mind…

What are these professionally oriented social networking communities offering healthcare professionals?

  • Career tips.
  • Job openings.
  • Medical advice and best practices.
  • Professional networking opportunities.
  • Condition specific networks for not only healthcare professionals, but patients and families.
  • Disease specific advice: treatment options, support, coping strategies, and insights.
  • And more!

Not just for doctors!Patients are also jumping into the pool of these secure, professional sites – and reaping the benefits. Research even suggests the support offered via networking may even be reducing unnecessary physician appointments.

Aren’t there privacy and security issues?Unlike Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and similar sites, whose data mining practices make healthcare professionals nervous about posts, professional social networking sites offer an environment where healthcare professionals and other users can safely share questions and concerns.

How do you know it’s safe?Look for professionally-oriented social networking sites with up-front, plain English security and privacy policies.

Great sites for healthcare professionals and patients include…

  • DoximityA free, HIPAA-compliant site with one-to-one messages and discussion forums that focus on business challenges or diagnoses.
  • SermoPhysician only community for discussion of healthcare topics in a collaborative environment.
  • CureDivaGreat support and products for breast cancer patients and survivors.
  • ConnectedLivingA senior-oriented site available through nursing homes, assisted living complexes, and other senior housing centers, whose focus is “not about maximizing the number of connections, but maximizing the meaning of connections.”

Networking skills need a boost? Contact MedConnectUSA today.