Achieve Call Forwarding Success

call forwarding success

Call forwarding is a great service provided by your telephone company that allows you to reroute your calls to your medical answering service whenever you want them to answer for you. You use call forwarding each time you go to lunch and when you leave for the day. You may also forward calls to your […]

What If You Forget to Forward Your Phone?

forward Your phone

Most medical offices and clinics use call forwarding service to send their phone calls to their medical answering service. Call forwarding service is an inexpensive feature provided by your local phone company. Though there are other options to send your calls to your answering service, call forwarding is the most common and convenient providing someone […]

Don’t Let Call Forwarding Be the Weak Link with Your Medical Answering Service

Call Forwarding

The most common way to get your practice or clinic’s telephone calls to your medical answering service is by using call forwarding. Though there are other options, call forwarding is by far the most popular and the most flexible. Most of the time call forwarding works exactly as expected, fast and reliably. However, sometimes problems […]