Let Your Answering Service Answer Your Calls in Uncertain Times

answer your calls

We live and exist in an era of uncertainty. This is no truer than for the healthcare industry, which is on the front lines, adapting to ever-changing expectations and healthcare best practices. As your practice, clinic, or healthcare facility grapples to adapt, don’t overlook the possible role that your venerable medical answering service can take […]

How to Find the Best Medical Answering Service: Why Using Price Is a Bad Call

best medical answering service}

The first thing most people ask when looking for a new answering service is, “What are your rates?” They don’t say this because it’s the best question, but because it’s the one they most readily understand. But this won’t help anyone find the best medical answering service.  If you care about your callers and desire […]

Discover What a Medical Answering Service Can Do for You

professional medical answering service benefits

If you take your medical practice seriously, you should take your answering service seriously too. Though some in the healthcare industry dismiss their answering service as unimportant, the wise practitioners view their answering service as an integral part of their practice or clinic. Why is that? Because your answering service is your primary contact for […]

Social Media—Does it Mix with Medical Practices?

Social Media And The Medical Community Social media is increasingly becoming about more than keeping up with friends and family. One-third of healthcare professionals are currently taking part in social media networks designed specifically with healthcare in mind… What are these professionally oriented social networking communities offering healthcare professionals? Career tips. Job openings. Medical advice […]