Outsource Your Healthcare Call Center Needs


As healthcare organizations and support companies strive to do things better and serve the healthcare industry with excellence, they must seek ways to improve their operation. One smart strategy is to send their internal call center offsite, allowing another organization to handle their calls for them. This is call center outsourcing. Don’t confuse outsourcing with […]

How Can Your Healthcare Call Center Better Serve You?

your healthcare call center

Change is normal in the healthcare industry and the rate of change has accelerated in the past several months. As you grapple with both the speed and scope of these changes, expand your considerations to include your medical call center professionals. You may be surprised at your call center’s flexibility and creativity in helping you […]

Moving toward a New Normal

moving toward a new normal

You have no doubt heard the phrase “moving toward a new normal.” It carries with it a vague and uncomfortable realization that what once was may no longer be. The ideas of working from home, social distancing, and self-quarantine are not likely temporary phenomena that we will one day move beyond. These concepts may form […]

Now Is a Great Time to Update Your Answering Service Account Information

update your account information

As you think about the transition from summer to fall, it’s an ideal time to review all the account information your medical answering service has about your organization. Over time things change, and sometimes these updates never reach your answering service. If you’ve overlooked something, don’t feel bad. It happens. Now take some time to […]

Achieve Call Forwarding Success

call forwarding success

Call forwarding is a great service provided by your telephone company that allows you to reroute your calls to your medical answering service whenever you want them to answer for you. You use call forwarding each time you go to lunch and when you leave for the day. You may also forward calls to your […]

What Happens to Your After-Hours Healthcare Phone Calls?

after-hours healthcare phone calls

During office hours there’s always someone to answer phone calls. The task may fall to a specific person, to a department or group of people, or to “whoever is most available.” Answering ringing phone calls is critical because each call represents two things. First is a caller with the need they hope you can address. […]

Is Your Answering Service Ready When Your Staff Goes on Vacation?


It’s been a rough year in the healthcare industry, and as summer approaches, many people turn their attention to vacation. And this year some employees will desperately need a break from work, perhaps more so than at any other time. Though that time off may look different this year than from other years, employees will […]

Do You Want a Call Center That Is a Generalist or a Specialist?

specialty call center

In the healthcare industry, doctors have a choice of being a general practitioner or focusing on one specialty. Both are viable pursuits depending on the preferences and goals of each person. A generalist will cover an array of medical needs and must have a basic familiarity across a wide range of healthcare services. In contrast, […]

Discover Why Healthcare Providers Need a Call Center Dedicated to the Medical Community

healthcare call center

Selecting a healthcare call center is a critical consideration to ensure the success of your clinic or medical facility. Too often business managers view call centers as an expense to control. Instead, the more enlightened viewpoint is that a medical call center is an important investment to make for the future of your operation.  Don’t […]