Patients Want the Human Touch When They Call

human touch

Your patients call you when they have a need. It could be a healthcare concern, to schedule an appointment, or to seek clarification on medical instructions. They might be inquiring about insurance, a charge, or making a payment. Or it may be something completely different. Regardless, they call you because they need your help. When […]

Let Us Know How We Can Help You Better Serve Your Patients

better serve your patients

The healthcare industry is changing. That’s not news. But the rate of change is accelerating. That’s something to think about. What worked yesterday may not work today. What used to delight patients, they now expect. What they once appreciated, now only causes them to yawn. You want to better serve your patients, but how? This […]

Is Your Medical Answering Service Always Prepared?

quality service

How ready is your answering service to provide you with the support you need when conditions change suddenly, and unprecedented situations evolve overnight? A basic answering service can’t pivot so quickly. That’s why it’s important to have a competent medical answering service handle the calls for your practice, clinic, or healthcare facility. Their industry focus […]

Select an Answering Service That Cares for Your Patients as Much as You Do

cares for your patients

You care for your patients and their well-being. That’s why you got into healthcare in the first place. You hire staff who feel the same way. Working together everyone in your organization always strives to provide the highest level of care for your patients. And you weed out those employees who can’t—or won’t—provide this high […]

How Long Are You Willing to Hold?

patient hold time

When you call someplace how long are you willing to hold before you grow irritated? Close your eyes, and slowly count to thirty. That’s about thirty seconds, which is equivalent to five rings. This is also the typical length of a television commercial. Most people are willing to wait that long.  Now, how long do […]

Select an Answering Service That Cares for Your Patients as Much as You Do

answering service that cares

You’ve seen it in the healthcare industry, maybe you once even struggled with it yourself. What is this condition? It’s healthcare providers who lose sight of why they’re doing what they’re doing. What started as a desire to serve people and help them with their health concerns, turned into a drudgery that they must force […]

How Your Medical Answering Service Can Maximize Patient Lifetime Value

patient lifetime value.

Most people get into healthcare to help patients. Yet to accomplish this, there’s a business side to healthcare. While a practitioner may look at a health need or a treatment arc for a certain condition, the business person looks at the billable value of that transaction and the lifetime value of the patient. To enable […]

Maximize the Lifetime Value of a Patient

lifetime value

When you get a new patient for your practice, they usually represent more than a one-time transaction. They’ll generally return and continue using your healthcare services until something changes in their circumstances and they go someplace else. The key is to make sure you do everything you can to keep them returning to you and […]

Use a Medical Answering Service to Respect Your Patients

Medical Answering Service

Once on the chopping block of short-cited, cost-fixated healthcare managers, medical answering services are reasserting themselves as the essential service for healthcare providers who want to meet their patients’ needs. This demonstrates respect to your patients. In fact, patients and consumers are quick to dismiss a healthcare provider who doesn’t offer 24/7 telephone access answered […]

5 Easy Steps to Build Patient Satisfaction with Your Practice

Build Patient Satisfaction Patient satisfaction has many components besides positive outcomes from the care they receive. Excellent customer service and communication helps retain patients, improve online reviews, and elevate the practices standing in the community. Here are 5 important tips for you and your staff to improve patient satisfaction rates:  Great first impressions. Patients may […]