Tips for Controlling Medical Office Chaos when Emergencies Occur – Part 2
In a medical office, the path from calm to chaotic can be fast and furious. An ice storm could shut down highways and prevent key personnel from arriving at the office. A wind storm could knock out electrical power, cutting off communications and access to computer records. A flu epidemic could force you to operate […]
Benefits of Outsourcing Your Medical Call Services – Part One
Every office manager realizes the necessity of delegating work tasks. In today’s modern medical office, there are too many tasks, too much paperwork and never enough time for one person, or even several people, to do it all. Effective office management requires that medical office managers delegate work tasks and rely on their staffs to […]
Additional Benefits of Outsourcing Your Medical Call Services – Part 2
As noted in our previous post, outsourcing medical call answering to a competent and reliable professional medical answering service can be a smart way to increase staff efficiency and improve customer service. But outsourcing to the right service provider can also offer other important benefits. When shopping for a medical call center for your medical […]
Tips for Controlling Medical Office Chaos when Emergencies Occur Part One
Even if your medical office seems to run smoothly most of the time, it may not take much to tip the balance from smooth sailing to chaos. In creating disaster recovery plans, medical office managers should plan for small disasters as well as big ones. Your office may never have to suffer through the devastating […]
How Technology Is Transforming the Way Physicians Work
Dr. Marcus Welby would be hard-pressed to recognize today’s modern medical practice. Forty years ago, the good doctor’s most useful medical tools seemed to be an agile mind, a warm smile and an uncanny amount of common sense. Of course, personal computers were still in their infancy when Robert Young portrayed America’s favorite family doctor […]
Tips for Handling HIPAA Healthcare Audits
When HIPAA compliance audits start next year, healthcare legal experts expect the biggest penalties to be assessed for willful neglect and the greatest compliance problems to come from downstream vendors of regulated medical entities. Under the new HIPAA Omnibus Rule, medical practice business associates and service providers are, for the first time, being held to […]
Tips for Handling HIPAA Healthcare Audits
When HIPAA compliance audits start next year, healthcare legal experts expect the biggest penalties to be assessed for willful neglect and the greatest compliance problems to come from downstream vendors of regulated medical entities. Under the new HIPAA Omnibus Rule, medical practice business associates and service providers are, for the first time, being held to […]
Dealing with Emergencies on the Phone
For people making an emergency call, one of the best qualities of medical answering services is the calming and controlled voice on the other end. The best operators are trained in how to handle all types of calls but emergencies require particular tact and talent. A caller undergoing unusual stress or fear might shout, cry, […]
HIPAA-Compliance Audits to Target Medical Service Partners
With implementation of the HIPAA Omnibus Rule, the government is already gearing up for the 2014 launch of an aggressive HIPAA auditing campaign. The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights (OCR), which is tasked with managing the audit program, has promised an aggressive roll-out that will target both medical providers and […]
HIPAA-Compliance Audits to Target Medical Service Partners
With implementation of the HIPAA Omnibus Rule, the government is already gearing up for the 2014 launch of an aggressive HIPAA auditing campaign. The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights (OCR), which is tasked with managing the audit program, has promised an aggressive roll-out that will target both medical providers and […]