Patients Want the Human Touch When They Call

Your patients call you when they have a need. It could be a healthcare concern, to schedule an appointment, or to seek clarification on medical instructions. They might be inquiring about insurance, a charge, or making a payment. Or it may be something completely different. Regardless, they call you because they need your help. When […]
Moving toward a New Normal

You have no doubt heard the phrase “moving toward a new normal.” It carries with it a vague and uncomfortable realization that what once was may no longer be. The ideas of working from home, social distancing, and self-quarantine are not likely temporary phenomena that we will one day move beyond. These concepts may form […]
Does It Matter Where Your Answering Service and Their Staff Are Located?

When your patients and callers reach your answering service, they can’t see the operators or where they’re located. But does that mean location doesn’t matter? You may conclude the setting isn’t relevant since everything happens over the telephone. However, if you care about your practice and your organization, where your answering service is located is […]
Our Staff Motivation Cheat Sheet—What You Need to Know
The Wall Street Journal As pointed out in The Wall Street Journal, office managers around the country motivate their staff using a wide variety of tactics. Yet, research studies have proven that methods that focus on showing employees their worth and rewarding them for hard work and creativity accomplishes more than using control and/or punishment techniques. Whether you run […]
How to Motivate Staff Without Paying More Money
Contacting Medical By Phone When workers in a medical practice become demotivated, such as over summer vacation or holidays when schedules become packed and the phones never seem to stop ringing, many office managers believe that money is the only way to improve everyone’s mood and productivity. What do you do if your budget has no room for […]
What About a Staff Christmas Party, Should You Have One?
As the year comes to a close, it’s become a tradition with many medical practices and other companies to hold a Christmas party. The celebration is a nice way to share the spirit of the season and show appreciation for your staff and their hard work. Some businesses have chosen to forgo these annual parties […]