5 Key Communication Services Your Healthcare Facility Can’t Do Without

Communication Services

In today’s business-to-consumer economy, communication is key. And superior communication is necessary for superior results. Your patients and callers expect this. And if you don’t deliver what they expect, they’ll go someplace else, taking their healthcare dollars with them. Here are the essential telephone services your organization can use to enhance communication with your patients […]

Communication Is Key to Success of Concierge Practice

Concierge medical practices are trending in healthcare. Physicians are finding that many patients are willing to pay a premium for more personalized healthcare. In concierge medicine, patients typically pay an annual fee or retainer in exchange for enhanced medical care and greater access to the physician. The type of care and level of physician access […]

3 Keys to Successful Phone Calls

successful phone calls

Too many healthcare business managers and professionals don’t bother to teach their employees how to answer the telephone. They assume that if people can talk, they must have the basic skills required to use the phone. This is incorrect. Achieving successful phone calls requires intentional effort. Yes, some people have terrific communication skills that naturally […]

Maintain Healthcare Communications in the Midst of a Pandemic


When a disaster occurs, one key to successfully navigating it is to maintain an open communication channel so your patients can reach you whenever they need to. In addition to normal healthcare needs, in the middle of a crisis, such as a pandemic, patients have a heightened sense of concern about their health and well-being.  […]

Do You Have a Disaster Recovery Plan for Your Communications Services?

disaster recovery plan

How long could you stay in business if you lost your phone service and the ability to communicate with patients? And if you could continue to function, what would be the short-term impact to cash flow and the long-term impact on the viability of your organization? These are heavy questions. That’s why forward-thinking leaders make […]

Live Messaging Service Key to Patient-Centered Health Care

Patient-centered health care is gaining traction as an attractive solution to both better patient care and greater physician and patient satisfaction. A new patient-centered program being tested jointly by the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Southern California (USC) that is getting rave reviews from patients, physicians and nurses could serve […]

Let Us Know How We Can Help You Better Serve Your Patients

better serve your patients

The healthcare industry is changing. That’s not news. But the rate of change is accelerating. That’s something to think about. What worked yesterday may not work today. What used to delight patients, they now expect. What they once appreciated, now only causes them to yawn. You want to better serve your patients, but how? This […]

Did Your Answering Service Let You Down This Holiday Season?

let you down

How did your telephone answering service perform for you this holiday season? Did they delight you with excellence? Or did they let you down? Too often, if they let you down once, they’ll do it again . . . and again . . . and again.  And to let you down during the holiday season—when […]

What Are Your Answering Service’s Priorities?

answering services priorities

Determining your answering service’s priorities is a key step to finding the right answering service for your medical practice or healthcare clinic. Your answering service has priorities in how they service your account, and you have priorities in the outcomes of their work.  Sometimes these priorities align, but other times they’re at cross purposes. Moreover, […]

Does Your Answering Service Focus on Your Practice?

focus on your practice

Do you ever feel like your answering service doesn’t give your practice the attention you deserve? Maybe it’s the lackluster way they answer your phone calls. Perhaps it’s giving out incorrect information to your patients. Or could it be that they take incomplete messages? This shows they have a lack a focus on your practice. […]