Use a Medical Answering Service to Boost Patient Retention

Patient Retention

Given the rapid changes in healthcare and with more patients taking control of their health and jumping providers at the smallest of slights, patient retention is now more critical than ever. To address this, you seek every advantage you can to provide a great patient experience in your office, clinic, or facility. You do everything […]

What Do You Do When You Lose Power?

Lose Power

The healthcare industry has seen many changes in the past few decades. One key area is an increased reliance on technology for testing and treatment, as well as for management and support systems. And all this technology requires power to operate. What happens when your practice, clinic, or healthcare facility loses power? At best, it’s […]

Are You Ready to Brave the Blizzard?


In a prior post we asked the question, “Are you ready for the storm?” In it we discussed ways your answering service can help your practice, clinic, facility, or hospital when bad weather occurs. Though bad weather can happen anytime of the year, it’s more likely to pop up in the winter months. That would […]

Are You Ready for the Storm?

Ready for the storm

Although winter hasn’t officially started, its effects have already occurred in much of the country. Snowstorms, ice storms, and freezing rain, along with cooler temperatures. Is your practice, clinic, or facility ready to deal with the threat of bad weather and the reality of one or more bad storms before spring arrives? Sometimes winter storms […]

Is Your Answering Service Ready for the Holidays?

Answering Service

With the holidays coming up, now is a great time to review the information your answering service has about your practice, clinic, or facility. Ideally this should be an ongoing effort that happens year-round, but the reality is that relevant updates about your organization may not always filter down to your answering service in a […]

Why HIPAA-Compliance is More Than Just a Good Idea


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) has been with us for over two decades. The ramifications of this act are wide-ranging and ever evolving. HIPAA also impacts medical answering services and call centers that handle healthcare accounts. Here’s why this matters: A Requirement Of specific interest with HIPAA is protected health […]

Why a 100 Percent Medical Answering Service is the Right Solution

medical answering service

Some answering services only handle healthcare related accounts, and other answering services refuse to even consider medical clients, but most answering services are happy to take on any kind of account, rather it’s a good fit or not. While this distinction may not seem important to you as a medical practitioner or healthcare organization, it’s […]

Can a Daytime Answering Service Help Your Clinic or Practice?

Daytime Answering Service

When you think of a medical answering service, you probably imagine a company that answers calls on the evenings and weekends. They take messages and dispatch urgent calls to on-call staff. This is a correct understanding and is a common function of healthcare answering services. However, a medical telephone answering service is for more than […]

Is This the Face of the Future for Your Practice?

Pope John Paul II got it right when he said, “The future starts today, not tomorrow.” To maintain quality care and ensure the continued success of your private practice, you must continually seek new ways of interacting with your patients and providing the medical services they need. Patients are not likely to study new technology, […]

Three Tips to Improving Your Bed Side Manner

In the quest to provide the best patient care and outcomes, providers often look past relatively small details regarding bedside manner. From the patient’s perspective, doctors and other providers can greatly impact the customer service experience and even the quality of care received—research suggests better bedside manner leads to better long-term results. Here are some […]