Should You Go with an Answering Service Specialist or Generalist?

There are many answering services that you could consider to handle the medical-related calls for your practice, clinic, or healthcare facility. Most answering services are general-purpose providers. They are easy to find.  Contrast the general-purpose answering service with a specialty answering service. The specialist answering service focuses on one or two market niches or industries. […]

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Are You Willing to Pay for Quality or Do You Seek Low-Cost Providers?

What is your attitude toward your medical answering service? Do you view them as a cost to control or as a critical part of serving your patients? Think about your answer. From a strict financial standpoint, keeping your costs—including your answering service—low maximizes profit. You need a profit if you want to endure as a […]

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3 Steps to Take When Your Answering Service Disappoints You

What is your attitude toward your medical answering service? Do you view them as a cost to control or as a critical part of serving your patients? Think about your answer. From a strict financial standpoint, keeping your costs—including your answering service—low maximizes profit. You need a profit if you want to endure as a […]

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10 Reasons Why Healthcare Providers Need a Medical Answering Service

Does your healthcare practice, clinic, or facility have a medical answering service? Maybe you’re thinking of getting one. Or perhaps you’re wondering about the one you already have. To help in your deliberations, here are ten reasons why healthcare providers need a medical answering service. 1.Make a Great First Impression A professional medical answering service […]

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Let Your Answering Service Answer Your Calls in Uncertain Times

We live and exist in an era of uncertainty. This is no truer than for the healthcare industry, which is on the front lines, adapting to ever-changing expectations and healthcare best practices. As your practice, clinic, or healthcare facility grapples to adapt, don’t overlook the possible role that your venerable medical answering service can take […]

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Outsource Your Healthcare Call Center Needs

As healthcare organizations and support companies strive to do things better and serve the healthcare industry with excellence, they must seek ways to improve their operation. One smart strategy is to send their internal call center offsite, allowing another organization to handle their calls for them. This is call center outsourcing. Don’t confuse outsourcing with […]

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Patients Want the Human Touch When They Call

Your patients call you when they have a need. It could be a healthcare concern, to schedule an appointment, or to seek clarification on medical instructions. They might be inquiring about insurance, a charge, or making a payment. Or it may be something completely different. Regardless, they call you because they need your help. When […]

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